Bite Sized Delights { Fort Worth Texas } Cake Pop Extraordinaire


These CAKE POPs are all the crazeeeeeeee and delicious too! Nina has been perfecting her craft for the past 10 years. Her love for Cake Pops started after going to a baby shower that had them. She was determined to make some of her own and the rest is sweet history!

Nina’s Cake Pops come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and flavors. No order is too large or too small! Snicker-Doodle is an all time favorite of the Cake Pop Extraordinaire and her daughter loves German Chocolate.

Nina’s cake pop dream is to bake for Bakerella, the creator of the CAKE POP!

Contact Bite Sized Delights for all of your CAKE POP needs!

Instagram @ftworthbitesizeddelights